Ponoka Massage Therapist
Ponoka Massage Therapist

I have over 22 years in full time work, I care. I have extensive training in how we are "put together," let me help and explain to you what I know

I love to help people through PNF stretches, AIS stretches, reflexology, manual lymphatic drainage, sports massage therapy, deep tissue massage, and understanding how our nutrition affects chronic conditions, and more.

I take the time and care to make sure even the tiniest detail is managed, in every circumstance. There, really, is no other way.

Call me. Krista Brower today : 403-783-7400 Find out how I can help you.
I am on the safe list for insurance companies, I can usually direct bill or I can receipt you and you can submit yourself.

Tuesdays-Fridays   8am - 5pm
Saturday   8am - 12 noon
Sunday & Monday      Closed
